BlackBerry 7130e
After spending quite a bit of time researching a personal cell phone I decided on a BlackBerry 7130e. I was really leaning towards a Nokia 6682 through Cingular and was prepared to shell out the $175 cancellation on my wife's phone but a week before I make that decision Verizon released this. This is the most advanced BlackBerry to date and the first that is a 3G device on Verizon's EVDO network. I am almost ashamed how hooked I am on the
CrackBerry platform.
This will allow me to email, IM and web/wap from the phone plus it allow for tethering which should let me to use the phone as a wireless broadband modem when connected to my laptop. I plan on testing this extensively later this week while I am in Cincinnati. Technology keeps amazing me -- 500+ kbps from a cell phone -- I remember when I was thrilled because my ISP upgraded from 14.4 to 28.8 kbps modems and a 500 kbps connection was "fast" for a business. I remember these legendary words of wisdom; "You can never have a computer that is fast enough and there no such thing as too much bandwidth."