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November 30, 2005 

Windows OneCare Live Available

Windows OneCare Live Available

I though that I add a short article about a product I have been testing for a number of months, Windows One Care. This is Microsoft's security and PC health product. It includes Anti-Virus (and currently the only product on the market that can protect against Root Kits), bi-directional firewall, defrag, backup and security patch management. Though this has been provided by other vendors (e.g. MacAfee and Symantec) this product is robust, elegantly simple and extremely low footprint on a computer thus there is minimal processor and RAM resources used.

This is only available for Windows XP SP2 and is in free public beta testing. I highly recommend this for home computers based on my experience with the product and I have run this exclusively on a test PC for a few months now without incident. It is currently free to download and use. If you decide to install this **make sure you RTFM and uninstall any other firewall, anti-virus or spyware product before installing**.


The only irritant is that how can MS eventually charge for something that fixes what they have broken in their OS?... hrrrm