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March 07, 2006 

Origami minitablets

Photos: Origami minitablets | CNET News.com I will have more information on this as it develops. This WILL be my new tool (sic toy) to obsess over. I have wanted a gadget like this since I stopped using my Apple Newton MessagePad 120. The only thing that would potentially distract me from this device would be if Apple would finally release a tablet in this form-factor. I have used numerous PalmOS, and PocketPC devices and they are all too small to be anything but a novelty. I have used numerous TabletPCs and they are too big to be a good tablet and too under-powered and small to be a good laptop. This would appear to be a great platform for email, web surfing from the couch, eBook reading, etc. I hope they include some digital ink capabilities as I might even consider replacing the Franklin Planner with a device of this size. oohhhh.... Bright Shiny Pebble!