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March 26, 2006 

The Origami/UMPC Project revisited

I have been keeping up with the news on the new Ultra-Mobile PC platform announced by Intel and MS. My primary source of info has been the Paperback PC site. Initially I was extremely intrigued with the UMPC thinking this would be a device on the lines of the Newton though taking advantage of many of the modern tech advancements like wireless networking, digital media, etc. Unfortunately this is being released in a premature state thus being under powered, over priced and not enough battery life. I would totally appreciate a "bridge" device — something larger than my cell phone but smaller and more portable than my laptop. The UMPC platform does not appear that it will deliver this year thus I will wait until; Apple releases a similar device, or, MS finally ships Vista. My other option is waiting for hell to freeze over which seems more likely that the previous two events.